

April Events

April is shaping up to be a busy month! Here's what's on the calendar so far:

April 1 -- Dinner at 5 Napkin Burger
Last night Jeff and I got together with some of my favorite bloggers and their significant others for dinner at 5 Napkin Burger. Read the review here.

April 2 -- Truffle-Making Class
Remember when I told you about the chocolate and wine tasting class at Boston Chocolate School? Well, I am heading back there today along with Elizabeth to take a truffle-making class. I have made truffles at home before, but I'm very interested in learning the right way to temper chocolate so my truffles will definitely have that nice chocolate snap!

We're meeting at Upstairs on the Square beforehand to check out the Bake Sale for Japan.

April 3 -- Dinner at Bergamot
I'm getting together with friends on Sunday night to have dinner at Bergamot, one of my favorite restaurants. I am completely obsessed with the desserts there.

April 7 -- All Things Bubbly
Morton's Steakhouse in the Seaport area hosts monthly specialty drink tastings, and some blogger friends and I decided to purchase tickets to All Things Bubbly, as the perfect way to celebrate warmer weather. We're sure to find a sampling of bubbly drinks paired with Morton's hors d'oeuvres. (Tickets cost $35 and a different tasting is held the first Thursday of each month.)

April 9 -- Happy Birthday, Mom!

April 13 -- CupcakeCamp Boston
At CupcakeCamp cupcake bakers from all over the Boston area come together for a night to share their baked goods with the masses. This year the event will be held at the Armory building in Somerville. I considered baking for the event but then decided I'd much rather spend the evening sampling other bakers' cupcakes! King Arthur Flour is sponsoring the event, and while it's free, if you donate $5, it will go to Lovin' Spoonfuls, an organization that aims to eradicate hunger in Massachusetts.

April 14 -- Taste of the Nation
Share our Strength is hosting its annual Taste of the Nation dinner at the Hynes Convention Center. I've been invited to cover the event and am so honored to be a part of something so significant.

April 16 - Invitation Shopping
Jeff and I are heading to Middleton, Mass., to meet with Mindy at TextStyle Designs and talk about wedding invitations. (Mindy once made dessert for Julia Child, so I know she and I will be on the same page!) Then we're heading to Newburyport for the afternoon and maybe stopping by Eat Cake! to see if we'd want to get a wedding cake there. Our cake is included in our venue package, but we're still not sure whether we want to go with one of the preferred vendors or break from the venue package and choose our own place.

April 18 -- Patriots' Day
I've lived in Boston for almost five years now, and I've not once partaken in any Patriots' Day activities. This year, I decided it was high time I started acting like a Bostonian. I'm joining Jeff in his annual ritual of watching the Patriots' Day Red Sox Game at Fenway and then hoping to cheer on some marathon runners afterward.

April 19 - Happy Birthday, Martyann!
My little sister turns 19 this year!

April 24 - Easter
We're heading to the Cape to meet up with my family and celebrate the holiday.

What do you have going on in April?